Our strategic investment programmes are aim at raising entrepreneurs in various skills for sustainable development and self-reliance from the grassroots. Our program is aimed at eradicating poverty in any of its form. We support communities especially in the rural and semi-urban areas in ensuring the development of both human and natural resources through our Grassroots Sustainable Development Programs (GSDP). In achieving this, the Foundation partners with various agencies and organizations such as, Government, Community Service group to identify investment opportunities that produce the greatest impact. We work in bringing investment that delivers real results to the African poorest populations.

We are raising Two Hundred (200) persons each from various communities to be identified in connecting to the opportunities and the power of private enterprise in addressing global economic development in Africa. In doing this, we are not only supporting the development of Africa’s economy, but to create avenue where more resources can be harnessed to support African communities.

How We Invest

We believe the private sector is developing most of promising and innovative solutions to today’s global problem. We train and partner with entrepreneurs to create incentives that harness the power of private enterprise to create the change for those who need it most. We connect the investment of our entrepreneurs to raise funds from their proceeds in support of specific foundation projects.

We know every investment is unique, and our team approaches each opportunity with the right tools to achieve long- team, measurable success. Our general and external advisers review each potential opportunity before we commit to any investment.

When we discover an innovation that could create the right resource development, unlock opportunities for under-resourced communities or a great idea that needs additional funding to get off the ground, our first step is to identify the right tools to support these steps by identifying the right framework and collaboration to support this promising work. We invest in organizations or projects that benefit the world’s poorest and often overlooked by traditional investors, that is why we spread our investments across sectors and investment types.

Our entrepreneurs can leverage on our suites of tools for investment
  • Fund Investment: To build a portfolio of investments in sectors that serves those of our beneficiaries. The foundation serves as an investment financier in providing finance for our entrepreneurs who invest were our Strategies align.
  • Direct equity investment: When our strategies align with an existing growing enterprise, we provide equity to support the company’s growth and use the expected profit to support our community based programs.
  • Grants and Credit Enhancements: We work with government to provide low and non interest loans to micro and small business in rural communities by offering the capital necessary to scale promising products and services that lift people out of poverty.
  • Scalable And Sustainable Projects: We invest in product that are marketable and can scale widely and sustainable ensure availability well into the future. Leverage on external capital: Our goal is to serve as a catalyst for great ideas that can expand opportunities. At a minimum, we aim to have investment matched by other investors. Ideally our investment would have mobilized other capital at an even greater ratio.

Areas of Investment

Agriculture development support program:

The program is aimed at empowering farmers with cash support to boost their farm production, in three main areas, viz; Crop production, Fish farming, Poultry farming. The foundation invests in the fund to demonstrate the potential of capital that is focused on emerging agriculture enterprises; thereby boosting the productivity and profitability of farmers in Africa. We do this by Building a Smart Agro City in different communities in Africa, were farming and processing activities will take place for proper monitoring. The Agro City will Create a sustainable ecosystem which is capable of producing ecologically pure organic food for Africa and also controlling microclimate, temperature and soil parameters for the three main areas in crop farming, fish farming and poultry farming. We partner with international and Local Distributors around the globe for commodity export and treading, our investment package in agriculture has a valuable investment with wealth creation and youth empowerment potential for African.

Technology and invention:

Africa is the second largest consumer of technology after Asia, yet we produce a minute percentage of the technology we use. We lose a lot of money in the importation process, transport cost and the hiked prices of those items we do not manufacture in Africa. Simply, we lose wealth hence gaining poverty and consequently becoming overly dependent on others for our survival.

There is therefore an urgent need to transform Africa’s economy using technology, since most of the raw materials used for technological inventions are available in Africa. That is why the Foundation is taking it up from the grassroots by starting a career club in primary to secondary school, and also partner with Government agency on science and Technology to provide Technological equipment in higher institutions of learning were student can pick up a innovative project and invent before graduating. The ICT centre will be well equipped where students will learn and carry out a research on the raw materials used for technology inventions and how to create them. We have identified ways in which this can be achieved.

Other Areas of Investment

We will make available raw materials for research in schools through the career club, provide books about machines, vehicles, ships, aircraft, and any learning thing that revolve around technology where students can educate themselves with. We will provide them with learning materials that will always give the children the opportunity to brainstorm and present ideas of how they can help the society using technology.

We create an opportunity to visit the factories and industry abroad to study how most of the equipment are made, witness the processes, ask questions and also give some operational training.

Create products that will be used to exhibit made in Africa products, which will be used to set up a company and also create a market for the product.